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Life is not a concept but existence itself, and it's vital to know it, recognize it, and appreciate it. For indigenous peoples, to be unaware of our life and life as a whole is to compromise our mental health, and we know that the line between mental health and insanity is thin; once crossed, there seems to be no turning back.   

Life therapy is a creative process to sensitively connect with your life in an open, fluid and genuine way within your context and possibility. Life therapy is not a promise, it is activating your motivation and responsibility to live consciously. I accompany you in this process through the use of conversations, music and yoga.


Life Therapy is highly influenced by indigenous notions of being sensitive to life. This sensitivity begins by appreciating our own life from within and thus appreciating life as a whole.

From a strong connection with Rosa, my Kari´ña grandmother, I learned how central our creative experiences are to maintain an integral balance between the dimensions:

  • Espiritual (comprensión de la propia naturaleza individual).
  • Social (individual y colectiva, y todo lo que surge de esa dinámica para conformar la sociedad),
  • Natural (relacionada con la madre tierra, todos los seres sintientes y nuestra relación sostenible con esta dimensión).

A close relationship with my grandmother made me understand and recognize the relevance of incorporating indigenous notions of life into my professional practice as a Western-trained therapist. Through her, I also realized the power that creative practices (music, dance, crafts, spontaneous poetry, storytelling, body painting, etc.) and dialogue have in exalting aspects of humanity that can bring integration and social balance.

¿What is the Therapist's Role?

Within this context as a therapist, I simply accompany you to explore your nature through the power of conversation and creativity. Thus, you can find unity within yourself and within your own potential to perceive the world and how to live in it.

In Life Therapy, you can: 

  1. Work with the rigidity of the mind
  2. Flow with the energy of emotions,
  3. Invite a process of self-exploration and discovery through creative experiences.
  4. Synchronize mind and body to connect with the reality of your daily life,
  5. Actively participate to explore and discover possibilities. 

Life Therapy is an invitation to create a space for exploration and discovery.
